Monday, January 16, 2023


Programs - Link
Special Event Link
WREA Lobbyists Link
WREA website Link

Volunteer Hours are important. 

Sherry Kloety will be taking over collecting volunteer hours. Hours can be turned in at our monthly meetings, If needed, Sherry’s email is: or you can text her at: 608-498-3875.

Your volunteering can be anywhere in the community – with our youth (tutoring, volunteer teaching, church youth work), with our community (church activities, care giving, public office, mobile meals, service organizations), with WREA and LAREA (being an officer, attending district meetings, attending workshops and seminars). 

There will also be envelopes with recording sheets on the tables at each meeting, where you can record your hours.  Later in the year, we will be able to present an oversized "check" to a local/state official, showing the dollar amount of our members' volunteer hours.  You can submit any time you have spent helping/assisting others, for which you did not get reimbursed.

Save Menards Receipts for LAREA to use:
A suggestion was made requesting LAREA members who do not use their receipts from Menards for the 11% rebates to donate them to the "We Care Bags" Committee. Combined, these receipts can be used to purchase needed items, especially blankets.

“We Care” Bags - Public Education Outreach Report

The simple equation for this project is ... LAREA Members + Community Supporters + Public School Workers/Counselors = Many “We Care” Bags for Children in Need.
Our goal is $3000 again this year. Here are some ways you can help this happen:

o Our little donation bags will be on the tables for the next four months.
o Menard’s rebate receipts. (See above information.)
o Recommend community supporters. (With seven school districts being supported, there must be groups from these school districts that would be willing to help.)
o As of now, two of our main supporters are Gundersen Partners and Ashley Furniture; however, we do need to realize that they may not always be there for us as time goes on.
o Sewing bags. (Bags are filled and delivered in October.) 

We Care Packages to students experiencing homelessness"Interview link:

Fireside Chats with Diane Wilcenski: WREA Executive Director, holds Fireside Chats on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 10am to 11am. If you would like to attend, please email Diane at to receive the Zoom link.

Final-Five Voting - learn more here...

Educators. We care about you!
The Wisconsin Retired Educators Association have items for you to consider now. The first one is for middle school teachers. The second is for all public school employees.

In-Person Retirement Seminar in the amphitheater at Pertzsch School in Onalaska sponsored by our local La Crosse Area Retired Educators Association. You may be ready or several years from retirement. Learn from your recently retired peers. 

A huge thank you to all who assisted at the Retirement Seminars with Diane Wilcenski, WREA
Executive, as the presenter:

Organizers: Barb Buswell, Sue Schettle, Margaret Wood.
Helpers: Carol Carlson, Joan Solberg, Kristina Stellpflug

Susan Schettle, President, La Crosse Area Retired Educators Association, 608-780-5824

Annual dues.  The good news is there has been NO change in LAREA or WREA dues rates. 

According to our records, your LAREA membership expires this fall.  One year remains at $20, with $54 for a 3-year membership and $250 for lifetime.   Many members add a gift to the LAREA scholarship fund with their payment.  Those scholarships go to education students at UW-L and Western, and high school seniors planning education studies.    

Your WREA membership also expires on August 1.  You may pay your WREA dues directly to them or add them to your LAREA dues and the payment will be forward to WREA.  However, please don’t send LAREA dues to WREA!  

Note: WREA memberships no longer automatically expire in September.  If you renew now, you will receive the full term from your due date, so nothing is lost.  You may prefer to wait for the renewal notice from WREA and pay them directly. Whatever is easiest and most convenient for you. 

The renewal form and the meeting dates and programs for this year are attached.  We encourage you to fill out the form prior to our September 5th meeting and bring it with you to save time.  Keep the portion with the programs to add to your calendar!  Of course, you can also mail the form and payment. 

Can’t print or prefer not to?  Forms will be available at the meeting.  You may also send your check to Barb Schultz without the form, but please include a note with your name and what dues you are paying if it’s anything more than the $20 LAREA renewal, so she doesn’t have to make any assumptions. 

Have you moved, changed your email address or phone number?  Please send an email with the new information by responding to this email or fill out the blue change form in September.