Current president is Sherry Olson, vice presidents are Carol Carlson and Marcia Newquist.
President: Sherry Olson*
Vice President: Marcia Newquist*
President Elect: Karen Kuhlmann
Vice President Elect: Diane Gebhart
Treasurer: Barb Schultz
Secretary: Patsy Hofer
- Audit
- Banquet Liaisons
- Bylaws/Historian: Bruce Jerue
- Communications/Technology: Susan Evans
- Community Service/Volunteerism: Sherry Kloety
- Courtesy/Memorial
- Health: open
- Legislative: Margaret Wood
- Membership: Mary Ann Ekern and Lois Sanwick
- Nominating: Jerry Berns
- Programs: Joan Solberg
- Public Education Outreach: Mary Henthorne
- Publicity/WREA Bulletin: Kristina Stellpflug
- Reservations Coordinator
- Scholarship: Barbara Myers
- Webminder: Barbara Fischer
* We are asking you to consider becoming part of the leadership team. Please nominate yourself or submit names of members you feel would be good leaders to or call 507-895-6492.Elected Officers for 2023-2024
President: Sherry Olson*
Vice President: Marcia Newquist*
President Elect: Karen Kuhlmann
Vice President Elect: Diane Gebhart
Treasurer: Barb Schultz
Secretary: Patsy Hofer
- Audit
- Banquet Liaisons
- Bylaws/Historian: Bruce Jerue
- Communications/Technology: Susan Evans
- Community Service/Volunteerism: Sherry Kloety
- Courtesy/Memorial
- Health: open
- Legislative: Margaret Wood
- Membership: Mary Ann Ekern and Lois Sanwick
- Nominating: Jerry Berns
- Programs: Joan Solberg
- Public Education Outreach: Mary Henthorne
- Publicity/WREA Bulletin: Kristina Stellpflug
- Reservations Coordinator
- Scholarship: Barbara Myers
- Webminder: Barbara Fischer
* We are asking you to consider becoming part of the leadership team. Please nominate yourself or submit names of members you feel would be good leaders to or call 507-895-6492.
Having a team approach provides welcome, comfort, and support for the task.