
We Care Package 2024

We Care Package 2024

Our “We Care” bags truly do make a difference in children’s lives as Sarah Kyes, Arcadia Middle School counselor indicated in her thank you to us: “Thank you for all that your organization, LAREA, does tosupport students and communities. It is work that is so meaningful and really helps change lives for thebetter.” (This is just a portion of the entire letter.)

We Care” Bags - Public Education Outreach Committee Report

The simple equation for this project is … 

    LAREA Members + Community Supporters + Public School

Workers/Counselors = Many “We Care” Bags for Children in Need.

We need folks to sew bags. Those who volunteer to sew do not have to be expert sewers.

Please email Mary Henthorne at OR call Mary at 507-895-6226 or 608-406-0697.

Just think of the 300 children who will benefit from your generosity!

We Care Package 2023

“We Care” Bags - Public Education Outreach Committee Report

“Spotlight on Public Education” flyers were put on the back table and will be available at coming meetings, too.

Hundreds of thanks for your March donations!

Check out the Goal Board +$781.00...awesome!
$2,219 left to go...we can do this!
We will be reaching out to our Community Supporters soon.

They are for you as well as to share with potential new members.

We Care Bags

(The Weber Group, Gundersen Partners, and Ashley Furniture)

Remember, if you are not turning in your Menards receipts for 11% rebate, consider giving them to us. We will turn them in and use the rebate for “We Care Bag” supplies – Right now we have our eyes on pen/styluses for Middle/High school bags and just bought 40 blankets with $93.00 of rebate money.

A third delivery was made to Arcadia Schools (mostly blankets, bedding, and headbands). All was greatly appreciated! 

*Thousands of thanks to all who have donated and/or helped in any way.

*These bags are especially helping out in Arcadia.

*Our goal for 2023-24 is $3,000.

*Please consider donating your Menard’s receipts 

                and vouchers for the 11% rebate.

*Lynn is collecting the sewn bags.

We Care Package 2022-21

The We Care Bags Project reminds us that the mission is to provide We Care Packages, filled with comfort items for children in crisis, to take with them wherever they are living at that time. Our mission has a different purpose than organizations that collect school supplies in fall.

Sam(antha) White from WIZM News has interviewed Mary Henthorne for a story about the “We Care” packages titled: "La Crosse retired educators group delivers We Care Packages to students experiencing homelessness":

– Here is the link to the interview:

VERSION 1.   (WE CARE) Note: Audio clip to be added soon.

The La Crosse Area Retired Educators’ Association has been working to put together We Care Packages for students experiencing trauma in their lives such as homelessness.

These packages provide comfort items such as stuffed animals and stress relief toys, but also personal care items such as toothbrushes and soap.

The organization has been working on this project for 7 years and has provided over 1200 packages to children in need.

According to LAREA member Mary Henthorne, these packages are passed out to students at all grade levels by school social workers.

We Care packages are delivered to 38 different schools in the region including La Crosse, Onalaska, Holmen, West Salem, Bangor, Melrose-Mindoro, and Arcadia. 

VERSION 2  (WE CARE) Note: Audio clip to be added soon.

Often times when we think of someone experiencing homelessness, it's an adult.
Unfortunately, that's not the case. A lot of children in our area are also unsheltered.
The La Crosse Area Retired Educators Association has found a way to help students in the area who are experiencing homelessness or experiencing difficult times.
The organization has been putting together what's called "We Care Packages
that provide students with 
much needed items.

According to LAREA member Mary Henthorne, the packages were originally filled with toys and comfort items for kids ... but it has evolved to include personal hygiene items, as well. 

Over the past 7 years LAREA has delivered over 1200 packages to 38 different schools in the region. 

VERSION 3 (WE CARE). Note: Audio clip to be added soon.

When it comes to those experiencing homelessness ... one group of people that might get overlooked when analyzing that situation is children.

When students experience homelessness, school districts try to keep them within the same system, regardless of where they may be living ... so they can keep the same friends, teachers and place to learn. The La Crosse Area Retired Educators’ Association (LAREA) came up with the idea to create We Care packages, for children to take with them wherever they are residing at the time.

These packages contain toys, card games, drawing paper and crayons, as well as personal items such as toothbrush/toothpaste, soap/washcloth, deodorant and shampoo. This is year seven of the program and member Mary Henthorne, says it will continue as long as students are in need. 

Note: More bags need to be sewn; contact one of the “We Care” committee members if you are able to do so.

Congratulations and Thanks to Members!

Mary Henthorne was honored with a WXOW Jefferson Award.  Like a Nobel Prize for Volunteerism, the award recognized Mary for her dedicated work on the ‘We Care Packages’ project.  She in turn recognized her fellow volunteers and shone light on LAREA. 

Go to:

Note: you may need to copy and paste this link.

We Care Congratulations - 2020.

Through Mike Foster, we received an anonymous donation of 21 tied blankets and 6 quilts for elementary school age children. Thank you for all who contributed to get the 2020-21 We Care Packages created and delivered to 350 elementary, middle, and high school students who are homeless or experiencing trauma in their lives.  That is almost 3 times as many as we sent out last year.  As you probably have figured, with the pandemic, it was extremely helpful that we could provide more this year…and according to the homeless liaisons, social workers, and counselors, many, many have already been distributed.  
A total of 200 We Care Bags were completed and delivered to social workers in area elementary schools for students displaced from their homes. For middle & high school students, 150 desk/bags will be assembled soon. 

Lee Rasch Community Partnership 
Award to LAREA - 2019.
The Lee Rasch Community Partnership Award, sponsored by WIPFLI and Western Technical College was created to honor the outstanding work of non-profit organizations and their partnerships with public and private sector organizations in Southwest Wisconsin, Southeast Minnesota and Northeast Iowa. 
The award-winning partnership receives $1,000. The award is named after the former Western Technical College President Lee Rasch, a major supporter of community partnerships. The winner was announced at the 7 Rivers Alliance State of the Region meeting on November 13th, 2019.

Selection Criteria. To be considered for the Lee Rasch Community Partnership Award, an organization must provide a typewritten statement that addresses the following criteria:

· Provide a description of the partnership and the role of each partner.
· Explain how the partnership was started.
· State the duration of the partnership to date (a minimum of one year).
· Describe projected goals and achievements of measurable outcomes demonstrating positive impact.
· Explain the ability of the partnership to innovate and stimulate new ideas in addressing social issues.
· Illustrate the partnership’s commitment advancing the mission and principles organization.
· Supply a comprehensive list of individuals comprising the governing body of the organization
· List the name, number, and e-mail of the person to contact concerning the application.

LAREA's Application Process.
Task: Provide a description of the partnership and the role of each partner.

  • La Crosse Area Retired Educators’ Association (LAREA)/Public Education Outreach Committee has partnered with public schools in our region, and individuals and businesses in the surrounding communities, to provide We Care Packages (a fleece bag, filled with comfort items) for children who are homeless or in other traumatic situations.  Included in the bag are items such as a spiral notebook/drawing pad, pencil, sharpener, crayons, bookmark, eraser, “I Spy” card, stuffed animal, stress reliever, snacks, notes from LAREA members, and other miscellaneous donations. LAREA Members, and some of their family and friends, have participated in the project by making items, donating supplies, contacting community businesses and individuals for donations, shopping for supplies, making monetary donations, etc. The schools’ social workers/counselors are contacted and asked to estimate how many packages they might need for the coming school year.  After LAREA members bag and deliver the We Care Packages, the social workers/counselors distribute the packages to the children as needed.  The other portion of this partnership is with individuals and businesses in the surrounding communities.  The First Baptist Church in La Crosse graciously offers space for us to put our We Care Packages together.  Individuals and businesses that donated this year include…
Sheri Plantz – Edward Jones
Lynn Diamond – ShopKo
Jamie Fortier          
Pizza Doctors
Sam’s Club
Hokah Hardware
Several grandchildren
Anonymous donors 

Explain how the partnership was started.

  • The idea of We Care Packages started when it was brought to our attention at one of our monthly meetings, that schools in our region were transporting children who were homeless, to their ‘home school’, so they would have some consistency in their lives with their school, teachers, and friends during this time of upheaval.  First through Regina Siegel (the past), and now through Alicia Place (the present) homeless liaison for the School District of La Crosse, it was decided that these children could use some fun comfort items that they didn’t have, or had to leave behind.  

State the duration of the partnership to date (a minimum of one year).

  • In 2016, 110 We Care Packages were given to 19 elementary schools in La Crosse, Onalaska, Holmen, West Salem, Bangor, and Melrose/Mindoro (schools in LAREA’s region).  Even though this was to be a one-time project, it was suggested, and collectively decided, that the We Care Package Project, for the sake of the children, should be continued.  It was determined that it was a worthwhile mission for worthy children.  So, in 2017 the project was continued and 135 bags were distributed to 19 elementary schools and one middle school.   In 2018, 225 bags were given to 18 elementary schools and one middle school.  This is the fourth year that LAREA members have put together We Care Packages.  We made direct contact with the counselors/social workers in each of the elementary schools to estimate how many packages they might need for the 2019-20 school year.  We told the social workers/counselors that these packages are meant to be given to children who are going through a traumatic experience, such as homelessness, to brighten an otherwise stressful day.  The good news was that the schools did not need as many packages this year.  It seems that last year’s need may have been over estimated, or not as many children were experiencing traumatic situations. LAREA Members and other volunteers filled 112 We Care Packages for the 2019-20 school year, and delivered them to 11 elementary schools.  How amazing is that!!! 

Describe projected goals and achievements of measurable outcomes that demonstrate a positive impact.
After tallying the schools’ 2019-20 requests for 112 We Care Packages, LAREA Members went into full swing, volunteering to…
           sew bags 
           shop for comfort items 
           seek donations
           give monetary donations
           make items
           search for great deals
           bring in supplies
           sort them
           fill bags
           deliver We Care Packages to the schools
           and much more…

In each bag, we also included a note to boost the child’s spirit…
Dear Elementary School Student, 
This note is coming to you from retired people who at one time worked in your area schools. Maybe we were a secretary, custodian, teacher, principal, counselor, and so on.
We still love all children and know what you like.  So, we decided to brighten your day by giving you this bag of goodies. We hope you enjoy all the things that are in it and have fun!  If there is something in your bag that you can’t use, please consider giving it to someone who can.
Remember, you matter to us, and we care about you!  We’re thinking all good thoughts for you.
LAREA (La Crosse Area Retired Educators’ Association) Members
Following is one of many expressions of appreciation from the social workers, counselors, and whoever accepted the We Care Packages when delivered to the schools.
I want to thank you for your kind and generous We Care Packages you shared with our school district.  What a wonderful way to help students, so on behalf of Bangor School District, I want to say thank you and we appreciate it.  I will make sure the care packages find students who can use them.  Have a great day!
Matt Jacobson  
Elementary School Counselor
After delivering the We Care Packages and sending thank you notes to the individuals and businesses that donated to this project, a PowerPoint series of this years’ events was presented to our own LAREA members, thanking and updating them on this year’s project.  (The PowerPoint is attached if you are interested in viewing it.)  Not only did the We Care Packages have a positive impact on the children who received them, but they also encouraged teamwork with LAREA members, role modeled this act of kindness for grandchildren, and demonstrated collaboration throughout the schools and community…a win-win situation for everyone involved.  

Explain the ability of the partnership to innovate
and stimulate new ideas in addressing social issues.

  • Through LAREA members, the schools’ social workers/counselors, and individuals and businesses in the surrounding communities, we are able to put together We Care Packages that are likely to help children work through these stressful times in their lives.  Allowing them to remain at their schools with their friends, providing them with coping tools, giving them items to experience fun and enjoyment, and offering them opportunities that they may not otherwise be able to experience, hopefully, will fulfill some emotional and social voids.  One example is feedback that was given by an employee of Pizza Doctors.  She said it was thrilling to see the excitement and joy on the children’s faces as they were able to go out to eat with their families just like their friends.  A stuffed animal to cuddle with, paper and crayons to create with, and notes to let them know ‘we care’ about them, may seem small to us, but huge to them. 

Illustrate the partnership’s commitment to advancing
the mission and principles of the applicant organization.

  • Following is LAREA’s mission statement:
LAREA is a nonpartisan local unit of the Wisconsin Retired Educators’ Association (WREA) which protects educators’ retirement fund (pension), supports public education, encourages volunteerism and community activities.
  • LAREA’s hope and goal is to continue the We Care Package Project as long as children are experiencing homelessness/traumatic situations, and possibly expand to more elementary schools such as Arcadia, La Crescent/Hokah, and Stoddard.  So much good has come from this endeavor, starting with teamwork within our organization, to the support from community individuals, businesses and organizations, to the partnership with the schools, and finally, and most importantly, letting children know they matter to us, we care about them regardless of where they are in their lives.

Coresponding Emails

From: Raghad Alkhazraji 
Sent: Thursday, November 7, 2019 8:44 AM 
To: Mary Henthorne 
Subject: Congratulations! Lee Rasch Award

Good morning Mary,
I am pleased to inform you that the La Crosse Area Retired Educators’ Association (LAREA)/Public Education Outreach Committee has won the 2019 Lee Rasch Community Partnership Award!

The award will be presented during the 2019 State of the Region Summit on Wednesday, November 13 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Student Union, 521 East Ave. N., in the Bluffs meeting room. Upon winning, you have also been given 2 complimentary seats to this event.

To: Raghad Alkhazraji
Subject: RE: Congratulations! Lee Rasch Award

Hi Raghad ~

What wonderful news! Thank you so much for caring about children as much as LAREA members care about them! We will be able to give out so many We Care Packages to children who need comfort at those difficult times in their lives.

Thank you also for the complimentary seats at the summit. LAREA’s President Margaret Green and Vice President Jane Miller will be able to attend the event. I am forwarding the information to them.

I would like to talk to you via phone sometime soon to discuss the possibility of you and Dr. Rasch coming to our LAREA meeting on Monday, December 2nd to share this exciting news with all of our members. Is there a good day and time to reach you?

Once again, it is an honor to be chosen and we are so thankful!
~ Mary Henthorne

To: Chris Hardie, Chief Executive Officer, 7 Rivers Alliance
Office: 608-787-8777                      Cell: 608-451-5346

Hello Mr. Hardie,

Thank you for the congratulations and the award! LAREA will be able to continue, and expand, the We Care Packages for children who need some comfort in their lives because of you.

Our December 2nd meeting is at Piggy’s and begins at 11:30 with lunch. We would love to have you (and another person if you’d like) as our guests. Following we are having a high school singing group for our entertainment. Depending on when they need to return to school, either before or after their performance, we would like to announce the award to our members and express our appreciation to 7 Rivers Alliance. I estimate this would be some time between 12:00 and 12:30. Then we have our monthly meeting. You are welcome to stay if you’d like, but it’s not necessary.

Thank you again ~ Mary Henthorne

We Care Packages photos can be found on 
We Care Package Page.